The Hope Of Eternity


I want to share an inspirational quote with you from one of my favorite preachers of all time. Charles H. Spurgeon said, “Time is short. Eternity is long. It is only reasonable that this short life be lived in the light of eternity.”

This well-known quote from Charles Spurgeon reveals that to live our lives reasonably, we must live our lives in the light of eternity. In Ecclesiastes 3:1, the Bible says, “God has set eternity in their hearts.” When eternity is set in our hearts, we understand that we have a limited time to make a difference and leave a mark of eternal impact here on the earth. It has been eternity burning in the hearts of men that has kept the Gospel going forth from the time when Jesus walked the earth until this present moment.

In John 9:4, Jesus said, “I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.” Jesus walked with purpose during His time on earth. He knew He had a window of time and eternity propelled Him forward as He lived out His purpose and calling. This same motivating factor is still propelling each one of us today. For we know there is a day coming soon when we will no longer be able to work and our time on earth will come to an end. When we see life through the lens of eternity our priorities come into proper biblical alignment. We know that when we stand before Him only that which we did for eternity will truly matter.

Through Hope Of All Nations, we want to be intentional about reaching people through acts of kindness. We believe how we care for people has eternal impact. As believers, we are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus demonstrating His love to a broken world. Recently, we had an opportunity to put this into practice as a ministry.

This past December, our team ministered in the inner city of Argentina. We partnered with Rey de Reye’s church in Buenos Aires for this outreach. In the inner city district where we were working, the event had to be scheduled at a certain time of day due to the danger presented to the children attending. The area was notorious for drug dealing, narcotics, and gang activity. Our mission was to reach the children of this community with the Gospel and give them hope for a brighter tomorrow. Activities at this event included: haircuts, clothing distribution, dental cleanings, medical evaluations, feeding, and most importantly, presenting them with the Gospel message. We had many children at the event make personal decisions for Jesus Christ, and families that lived around the field also heard the Gospel and responded to the message.

One notable addition to this Hope Day was that Christ for all Nations donated a thousand Spanish books written by Evangelist Daniel Kolenda. These books were specifically designed for children on how to take their next steps after salvation. Every child who came to the event took one of these books home and we know that many lives were impacted for eternity as a result. The Bible calls us to not just make converts, but to go and make disciples. We know that these books are key to helping disciple the next generation to grow in their new relationship with Jesus.

We look forward to doing more Hope Days and Gospel Outreaches in the days ahead. We have seen incredible fruit and hearts soften to the Good News of the Gospel when it is presented in both word and deed.

Thank you for your support and for helping make this possible! You have truly made a difference for eternity!