San Salvador Update


There are no words to truly describe the Presence of the Lord last night.

I could not stop weeping as I looked over the massive crowd and saw the hearts of the people. Together with leaders and churches, we have witnessed one of the largest gospel evangelistic campaigns from region to region, in the nation’s history. The hunger and faith of the people caused such an expectation and the glory of the Lord was tangible. The Gospel was preached!

The altar call was breathtaking as people even in the very back were on their knees weeping giving their hearts to Jesus Christ. We witnessed testimony after testimony of the miraculous being made manifest among the people. This is the last of 7 mass Gospel Campaigns across the nation of El Salvador led by Shake The Nations Ministries in partnership with the Global Evangelist Alliance- a network of evangelists with one goal: winning the world for Jesus.

This is just the beginning El Salvador! Jesus! You are worthy of the all the praise and glory.