March 2025

Who Is Like The Lord

"After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could number, of all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, with palm branches in their hands, and crying out with a loud voice, saying, "Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!" All the angels stood around the throne and the elders and the four living creatures, and fell on their faces before the throne and worshiped God..."
Revelation 7:9-11

The vision in Revelation 7:9-17 gives us a breathtaking glimpse of the future—one of victory, redemption, and eternal worship before the throne of God. The imagery is overwhelming: a great multitude from every nation, clothed in white, standing before the Lamb, worshiping with hearts full of gratitude. It is a moment of triumph, not because of human effort, but because of the finished work of Christ. Every tear is wiped away, every pain is forgotten, and those who have endured are now in the presence of the Almighty, forever secure, forever rejoicing.

This passage reminds us of the ultimate hope we have as believers. No matter what we face in this life - trials, suffering, or opposition - our struggles do not define our destiny; it is defined by the One who has overcome. The Lamb, Jesus Christ, has washed us clean by His blood. He has made a way for us to stand before God, not in fear or condemnation, but in joy and victory. This is the promise that should shape our perspective every day. When we face hardships, we must remember: we are headed for eternity with the King of kings. Our suffering is temporary; His glory is forever.

Throughout the scripture, we see this truth echoed again and again: Who is like the Lord? This question is not rhetorical, it is a declaration. No one compares to our God. No one rivals His power, His holiness, or His love. In Exodus 15:11, we see how Israel stood in awe after God miraculously delivered them from Egypt. The psalmists declare His unmatched greatness, and the prophets remind us that He alone is worthy of our trust. This truth is timeless and unchanging.

When we grasp this revelation, it changes the way we live. Fear loses its grip. Worry fades in the light of His sovereignty. "If God is for us, who can stand against us" (Romans 8:31)? There is no battle He cannot win, no sickness He cannot heal, no bondage He cannot break. He is undefeated, unshaken, and unchallenged.

So, whatever you are facing today, take heart. Your God is greater. Your situation does not intimidate Him. He is the Healer, the Restorer, the Redeemer, the Deliverer. His power is limitless, His mercy unending, His love unfailing. Jesus Christ, the King of kings, is interceding for you even now at the right hand of the Father. And He is coming back for a pure and spotless bride.

Let this truth fill you with faith today. Lift your eyes beyond the temporary challenges and fix them on the eternal One. Worship Him, trust Him, and declare: There is no one like our God! Hallelujah!