JULY 2024

Unite For The Kingdom

Unity commands blessing and empowers the message of the Gospel to reveal who Jesus really is!

"How good and pleasant it is when God's people live together in unity! It is like precious oil poured on the head, running down on the beard, running down on Aaron's beard, down on the collar of his robe. It is as if the dew of Hermon were falling on Mount Zion. For there the Lord bestows his blessing, even life forevermore."

Psalms 133:1-3

When unity is mentioned in Christian circles, we are often reminded of its relationship to scripture. Psalm 133 promises us something very special by declaring that unity commands a blessing. In other words, blessing is not considered something possible or hoped for but quite literally a command from Heaven upon those who are willing to be unified!

It's a wonderful promise from God, and it's a great thing to have as a focus in all aspects of our lives and ministry. However, the promise of blessing we receive is only one side of the coin. In John 17:20-23, Jesus prays a unique prayer about unity for all future believers - that's you and me! He prays that being in unity with one another would not only be a blessing but would let the whole world know that Jesus was sent to the earth by the Father.

What a powerful insight Jesus gave us. He was essentially saying that our unity with one another would not only command blessing but reveal a powerful message to let the world know who Jesus was, where He came from, and why He came. So why did Jesus pray this? Because without unity, our message is powerless and ineffective in reaching others for Jesus. If we want to see fruit for the Kingdom of God, then our unity is the greatest platform from which we can ever start!

Remember, in Acts 2, those who gathered in the upper room in unity received the blessing of the Holy Spirit and began to speak in new languages. The onlookers saw and heard this moment, recognizing that something was truly unique and special. When Peter then preached the Gospel, it says that around three thousand were baptized that day. That's because unity commands blessing and empowers the message of the Gospel to reveal who Jesus really is!

Jesus prayed that we might be one, just as Jesus and the Father are one, and that the world might recognize something about us that points an unbeliever to the revelation of Jesus. So, next time you can pursue unity, could it be that this is an opportunity to see the Gospel produce more fruit than you expected?

As you pray for God to unite you for the Kingdom, look for more than just a blessing - look to be a blessing, look to serve, look to share the Gospel, and look for ways to relate to brothers and sisters, united by Jesus to bring glory to His Name.

We are now living in a great 'window of opportunity' to reveal the truth of the Gospel around the world and see Jesus transform many more lives. Today, seek unity with one another, let God shine through, and produce more than you could ever ask, seek, or imagine! It's time to unite for the Kingdom!