Two Kinds of Wisdom

Glory to God we have wisdom that comes from heaven!

‘But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy.’

James 3:17

I love the way that after James, the brother of Jesus, talks about ‘taming the tongue’, he then moves into the two kinds of wisdom. It is such an important correlation.

There is such power in words. The Bible says in James 3:9-10, ‘With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing.’ We must remember that James is writing to first- century Jewish Christians. They are still in the early growth phase of their new faith, and he was made aware of some behavior that was not reflective of their new salvation. How often can we be caught in the same trap? How often do we wish we could take back something we said? 

In Luke 6:45, Jesus says, ‘For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.’ He shows us that there is a correlation between our heart and our words. And as James was illustrating, one of the keys to walking in the fullness of salvation, is reflected in how we speak. He then provides very important teaching on wisdom which we will see has a direct relationship to the condition of the heart. 

James shares with us that wisdom is visible. It can be seen in how you live, what you do, and how you speak. If you walk in bitter envy and selfish ambition you have traits that manifest disorder, a lack of spirituality, and earthly wisdom which is of the devil. This behavior is calculated for your own good only and has no thought of the impact on those around you. If you walk in humility and goodness, you are exhibiting heavenly wisdom. 

Glory to God we have wisdom that comes from heaven! This wisdom is pure; there is no ulterior motive in it actions. It is peace-loving; it can deal with conflict in a way that lends to an outcome of peace and not strife. There is no desire for dysfunction. It is gentle; correction does not yield to condemnation, but conviction. This kind of wisdom is willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits; it does not need to have the last word and is without judgment. Heavenly wisdom does not choose sides and is sincere- your private life is the same as your public life, it is not hypocritical. 

Oh Saints! Proverbs 4:7 teaches us that, ‘Wisdom is supreme; therefore, get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding.’ We seek heavenly wisdom to flood our hearts to impact our speech! I am so thankful for the Word of God, Jesus- the Living Bread. He is everything. He gives us Himself as an example of the power of the Holy Spirit working through a human vessel. He doesn’t change your heart; he gives you a new one. We need to spend time discovering the gift we have already been given. 

I pray that as we seek the face of Jesus, heavenly wisdom becomes our natural expression; that our words will bring peace, redemption, joy, and righteousness— In the mighty Name of Jesus!