MAY 2023

Prayer Releases Power

There are people who feel hopeless because they feel entrapped by the enemy.

“So Peter was kept in prison, but the church was earnestly praying to God for him.”

Acts 12:5

We join Peter in Acts after Stephen was stoned, and James, the brother of John, was murdered. Mass persecution was happening to believers and King Herod had Peter arrested planning to bring him to trial. That night in the jail cell, Peter was bound in chains between two guards and outside of the cell were additional soldiers keeping watch. Imagine sleeping and being awoken by a bright light and a violent kick declaring your escape. Peter didn’t know if the angel was real, but thought he was seeing a vision. The chains fell from Peter’s wrists, the prison doors opened one after the other until he was in the street, a free man. “When Peter came to himself, he said, ‘Now I am sure that the Lord has sent his angel and rescued me from the hand of Herod and from all that the Jewish people were expecting’” (Acts 12:11). Never forget the reality of Psalm 34:7, that the angel of the Lord encamps round about those that fear God and delivers them.

The Bible says that Peter was in jail by Herod for preaching the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  There are people who feel hopeless because they feel entrapped by the enemy.  They feel stagnant in ministry, stagnant in their business, maybe even stagnant in their relationships. You thought you would be at another level by now. You may feel you are getting too old, and God has forgotten about you. But hear these words! Those prison doors are about to open!  

There are people interceding on your behalf. There are prayers being lifted to the throne of grace right now for you! There is a great cloud of witnesses cheering you on to finish your race with a heart full of joy and gladness. Receive it!

The Bible says that an angel of the Lord appeared before Peter and a light shone in the cell.  The light of Jesus will shine in the darkest moments when it seems like there is no way out. God is a way maker, He is a miracle maker, even a bridge builder. When you feel there is no answer, God will show up and display who He is.  When nobody could give you an answer, He is your answer.  The chains are falling off and the doors are being opened!  The angel told him to get dressed and put your sandals and get ready to walk.  Get your gear ready, get your clothes ready, get your business ready, get your house in order because God is getting ready to take you to another level.  When Peter knocked on the door of the place the disciples were staying, a servant girl named Rhoda answered. When she told the others that she saw Peter, they thought she was crazy.  The blessing God has for you is so big and mighty they won't believe you.  Get your praise ready! You need to position yourself for what is coming into your life!