Direct My Steps

The God of the universe has given us Truth!

"The entrance of Your word gives light; it gives understanding to the simple."

Psalm 119:130

Chatter. The world is full of chatter. There are voices everywhere trying to convince you what to think, how to act, how to live. These voices are trying to define truth. Or even worse, tell you that absolute truth doesn't exist. These voices try and disconnect the choices we make with the consequences of those actions. They say, 'Go ahead and live life any way that you want. Not only that, you can then blame others for the consequences of those decisions.' This mentality leads to wrong thinking, wrong actions, and wrong living. How do I know this? 

Glory to God! The God of the universe has given us Truth! And this Truth was made manifest in His Son, Jesus Christ. I think of those on this earth before the incarnation of Christ. I think of the importance for the written word and the law in order to guide the people in righteousness. I think of the deposit of the Holy Spirit as appointed to the destiny of certain men and women used by God to maintain the covenant between generations through the passing on and guarding of the written word. Psalm 119:130 reads, "The entrance of Your word gives light; it gives understanding to the simple." Bless the Lord! He gave us a way to walk in understanding. Don't let the world tell you that truth is relative. Oh, how there is safety in the truth of the word of God. The entrance of the word gives light. This means we have a responsibility to let it into our lives! We must receive the awesome privilege to read our Bibles! It is here, that we find understanding. 

Then in Psalm 119:133 it says, "Direct my steps by Your word, and let no iniquity have dominion over me." There is protection in God's word. As we allow the Lord to direct our steps, it doesn't say that we won't experience iniquity, but that the iniquity will not have dominion over us! This is opposite to the world mentality mentioned above disconnecting actions from consequences. When we see that following God's ways keeps us in His will, it provides confidence regardless of the outcome as we listen to His voice and follow His lead. There are right ways of thinking, right ways of acting, and right ways of living. Hear me! This is not in a religious sense to keep the tallies in the 'good' column, but in the sense that by walking in the truth of the Bible, we are asking as in Psalm 119:135, "Make your face shine upon Your servant, and teach me your statutes." Oh, how I want the Lord to shine His face upon me! Shine on me! Clear out anything that is not of you. Holy Spirit! Reveal the reality of Jesus as the Word in the word. The entrance of Jesus gives light! Direct my steps by Jesus! He is the best leader. Let His words guide us in all truth as He is Truth. Illuminate us, Lord, so that we can then radiate to the world around us. Let us be a people of one voice to push back against the chatter - Jesus is the Way.