JULY 2023

A Sound Of Heaven

When the Spirit of God moves in the atmosphere, it changes everything.

“Thus says the Lord God to these bones: ‘Surely I will cause breath to enter into you, and you shall live.’”

Ezekiel 37:5

The bible teaches us that the Spirit of God took the Prophet Ezekiel into a vision where he was in the midst of a valley full of dry bones.  Here, Israel is symbolized as the figure of a valley of dry bones being brought back to life in the bodies of a great army of men. It pictures scattered Israel being brought back from the nations and living again as a nation themselves, in their own land. It also symbolizes the coming resurrection at Christ’s return.

According to Jewish customs not only do bones speak about death, but for bones to be left in the open was an indignity and indecency.   To leave bodies unburied until the bones were exposed was unthinkable.  However, even though the bones’ long exposure in the atmosphere caused them to be dry, a shift in the atmosphere would change the narrative. When the Spirit of God moves in the atmosphere, it changes everything.

“Surely I will cause breath to enter into you, and you shall live.” The breath sent by God into the lifeless bodies symbolizes the Holy Spirit who brings rebirth, renewal, and regeneration. It’s speaking about a spiritual rebirth of God’s chosen people through the Holy Spirit of God. The spiritual rebirth would miraculously renew and restore human beings to what God had intended them to be in the beginning.  

The Holy Spirit is the breath of God. He is the breath of life that sustains all living beings. He stirs the atmosphere, and He brings life. As believers, we carry the Spirit of God. We have a responsibility to shift atmospheres when we enter rooms. The world needs carriers of Christ to meet them in the grocery store, at the gas station, in the airport, in our neighborhoods, and on social media! Heaven has a sound.

When heaven touches earth, either by the sovereignty of God or when His people are active conduits – freedom can be heard, salvations can be heard, deliverance can be heard, joy can be heard! The world needs to hear of the goodness of God. Even in His judgment, He is good.

When the Body of Christ is moving in its strength, just as in Ezekiel’s vision, “…there was a noise, and suddenly a rattling; and the bones came together, bone to bone” (Ezekiel 37:7). There was unity, but not until the breath of God blew on them did they have life. Same with us. We must remain diligent for the Spirit of God to be actively moving in our lives. We must live in caution that we do not fall into complacency and look like a healthy body but still be dead – moving without the Spirit of God.

Never let ministry become something you do. It must remain an expression of intimacy with Jesus. Otherwise, you will burn out before you have accomplished your assignment. The sound of heaven is God’s people moved to compassion by the Holy Spirit to reach the world with the Light of Christ. Let heaven be expressed through you today!